Tangled Up in Blue Guy

Services to Support Webdesigners in Selling CMS to Clients

Really Simple Syndication

Posted by Doc Hollowbrick on January 20, 2009

RSS is Your Friend

RSS Illustration

RSS Illustration

Your clients will want to know why using a blogging platform will produce more traffic and interest than a standard site.  Blogging involves interaction between your customers and their customers.

Over on the left sidebar, you will notice that there is an icon for “RSS” feed readers.

As a savvy web user yourself, I lay strong odds that you yourself make use of RSS, and don’t need an explanation of how it works.  The sites that you have added to your reader send an alert to your reader that there is a new update to read.  Since adding RSS and a reader to my daily activities I have almost forgotten that my browser has a “Bookmarks” feature.

Bookmarks work well enough, and are handy for saving sites for later reference. As you know, it is hardly efficient to scan through your bookmarks to find new content on the linked sites.  If you are like me, scanning your bookmarks has faded away from your daily activites checklist.

More likely, your routine starts with opening up your reader to check which sites have new content and then you scan the headlines to see if anything new interests you.  This is much more convenient, and time-saving, isn’t it.

This is why using blogging software for your client sites is advantageous. You are helping your clients build customer loyalty.  If your clients use new posts for product and marketing announcements, then their customers and visitors are going to see the announcements as soon as they are posted.

Help your clients by putting their sites in front of their loyal readers on a regular basis.  Teach them how to use RSS.  Give them a blogging site with RSS capabilities.

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